
Veterans Encouraged to Work as Teachers in China

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Veterans Encouraged to Work as Teachers in China

 June 23, 2022

BEIJING, June 22 (Xinhua) — Ex-service personnel have been encouraged to work as teachers in primary and secondary schools amid China's intensified efforts to boost employment of this group and strengthen teaching teams for compulsory education.

Veterans with a strong sense of responsibility and well-rounded accomplishments have the potential to become teachers and can contribute to strengthening teaching teams in primary and secondary schools, stated a document jointly released by central authorities including the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and the Ministry of Education.

Universities and colleges are encouraged to launch special teacher training programs for ex-service personnel and give priority to those university students who apply for a change of major after they are discharged from the military, the document added.

Localities can introduce special teacher recruitment plans targeting ex-service personnel and relax age restrictions for applicants, the document noted, adding that priority can be given to veterans when schools recruit non-teaching staff. 


(Source: Xinhua)


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